Why criticism of communism is misogyny

Socialism or Marxism has done more to advance women’s rights than any other movement in the world, communist countries are some of the most gender equal countries in the world, the four main reasons (which feminist are STILL fighting for despite misogynist counter efforts) are highlighted below;

1. Abortion Rights

In October 1920 the Bolsheviks made abortion legal within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic their “Decree on Women’s Healthcare.” This resulted in women having access to safe and stress free access to abortions, women had control over their own bodies, women were no longer shamed and had control over their own bodies.
Socialism in the Soviet Union had liberated women from their own biology which was sexist towards them by dehumanizing them into ‘ baby incubators’

Abortions were not only free and provided by the state but it was encouraged and a sign of progressiveness, because by having an abortion a woman showed that she could contribute more to society by being able to do real work than being a burden on society

Chinese woman has free state funded abortion

Chinese communist woman has free state funded abortion

There have been several attempts to control womens bodies such as trying to classify a foetus as a human being or banning abortions in the third trimester, fortunately socialist states such as the Peoples Republic of China have stood firm against this misogynist meddling. Women are so liberated in communist China that they have the choice to have a free state provided abortion whenever they want.

Late term abortion is just another social construct like gender that was designed to oppress women. It is a fabrication to give the impression that a foetus has developed to the point that it feels consciences, pain and cognitive dissonance.

Seven month foetus aborted from a woman in China

Seven month foetus aborted from a woman in China

So called ‘medical professors’ such as Jean Wright, MD, anesthesiologist, Savannah, Georgia, specializing in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Memorial Health University Medical Center have claimed that “A fetus after 20 weeks of gestation has all the prerequisite anatomy, physiology, hormones, neurotransmitters, and electrical current to close the loop and create the conditions needed to perceive pain.  In a fashion similar to explaining the electrical wiring to a new house, we would explain that the circuit is complete from skin to brain to back.”

However many feminist have been quick to discredit her as she does not have a Women’s Studies degree and therefore extremely biased.
“Just because a foetus resembles a fully developed baby doesn’t necessarily mean it should be counted as a baby” In fact every woman should have an abortion at least once in their lives to show that they are liberated and believe in women’s rights.

2. Eradication of Gender Roles

In the early years of Soviet power in Russia, the Bolsheviks used “Comrade” when addressing or referring to people assumed sympathetic to the revolution and to the Soviet state, such as members of the Communist party and people from the “working masses”.
This word was chosen because it meant you supported the ideology and considered everyone to be friends and equal.

The Bolsheviks wanted to recreate society completely, creating an ideal world where all people were equal. This notion of equality included women, who up until this point, were limited to domestic work. Now women were expected to be a part of the workforce outside of their homes. They would no longer be degraded and dehumanised by being referred to ‘women’ or ‘feminine’ they would now be called comrade like there biologically male counterparts.

Men and Women are expected to dress similarly in North Korea. Thanks to this their superiors are able to treat them like men and not discriminate based on 'gender'.

Men and Women are expected to dress similarly in North Korea. Thanks to this their superiors are able to treat them like men and not discriminate based on ‘gender’.

By the mid-1920s, the form of address “Comrade” became so commonplace in the Soviet Union that it was used indiscriminately in essentially the same way as terms like “Mister” and “Sir” are employed in English. Criminals and suspects were only addressed as “Citizens” and not as “Comrades”, and expressly refusing to address someone as “Comrade” would generally be perceived as a hostile act and thus they would be punished and vaporised into one of Stalins Gulags.

This was a huge win for gender equality because those who oppose it need to be erased from society, unfortunately in modern times gender-equality advocates such as feminist have been forced to passively reengineer gender roles such as re-educating children in schools and universities, shaming masculinity in men, shaming femininity in women and by using shaming tactics to discredit opponents in the media and rightly portraying them as misogynist and women oppressors.

3. Women In Workforce

In contrast to modern day society, women in Communist countries were truly seen as equals and expected to take on the roles of men. They were not hindered by social gender construct that says men on average are stronger than women or that we have biological differences and thus different needs.

Women prefer doing jobs like construction instead of degrading work like child rearing.

Women prefer doing jobs like construction instead of degrading work like child rearing.

Fortunately for gender equality a large amount of the male population died in horrific conditions at wars so it was a much easier decision to force women to stop being so misogynist and do the work the men usually would be doing. Women were reported to be much happier working in the great Russian Outdoors than they were doing oppressive tasks such as cooking/cleaning at home and child-rearing

These liberated Soviet women had the privileged to dig holes in the great Russian winter to dig anti-tank trenches

These liberated Soviet women had the privileged to dig holes in the great Russian winter to dig anti-tank trenches

4. Government taking over role of family

Since the beginning of time Women were oppressed by being mothers.
French feminist Simone de Beauvoir stated that “no woman should be authorized to stay at home to raise her children…because if there is such a choice, too many women will make that one.”

Orphans being raised by the state, these children will grow up with no concept of family, Mother, father etc And thus the vicious cycle of misogyny will be cut.

Orphans being raised by the state, these children will grow up with no concept of family, Mother, father etc And thus the vicious cycle of misogyny will be cut.

For this reason the goal of the new socialist society was for women to be re-educated and reconditioned (by force sometimes as some of these women were still brainwashed by the patriarchy) so they could break out of the confines of the home and participate equally, alongside men, in every sphere of life. But how could this happen if the economic relations in society still compelled women to stay in the home? How could women even take the first steps of working outside of the home if there was no one to take care of the children and cook the family meals?

Easy, the government would take over the nuclear family. Women would birth children and then they would be raised by the state, husbands would also not be necessary for women any more as the state would offer subsidies. In short women will never be truly free until the nuclear family is abolished, words like Mother, Father and family are only social constructs and oppressive to women.

15 thoughts on “Why criticism of communism is misogyny

  1. Lets nor forget, under this ideology, everyone has a shitty life… so, in our society, we put it to where no one should have a shitty life, and we are free to make our own choices, but, thoe with power want more, and those who only have a taste will do anything to keep ahold to it

    • Eh, Communism only failed because the people at the top were corrupt as hell.
      I believe that under a controlled simulation, communism without the inherent human corruption could work well.
      But that would only work if we had some sort of Super Communist Robot that has no feelings or mercy. The robot cannot be altered and it will NEVER deviate from it’s original programming and force people believe in the merits of Communism.

      Heh. RoboCommunism.

  2. I come from a communist country myself, and I can tell you that the detriments outweigh the benefits (if there are any benefits). I am puzzled as to why you would like to change the U.S., a nation that everybody would like to be born in, into a 2nd or 3rd world country. If you would like to live under communism, go to Cuba. The almost-dystopian buildings and government should not bother you if that is what you want. Some Americans really puzzle me.

    • you give Jacob’s a bad name, all around the world, fellow Jacobs’ such as myself are shaking their head at your blindness

  3. Pingback: Social Justice Hurts | NotParticularlyPauciloquent

  4. This is beautiful. Sadly, too many oblivious people will come here, read this, and go parroting it into the echo chamber of the Internet.

  5. Just wanted to say this website is extremely good. I always want to hear new things about this because I’ve the similar blog during my Country with this subject which means this help´s me a lot. I did so a search around the issue and located a large amount of blogs but nothing beats this. Many thanks for sharing so much inside your blog..

  6. Who writes these articles?
    Under a communist or Marxist society, they wouldn’t even have fingers to write articles like this, let alone the ability to even have a computer.

  7. Look for the booklet 60 pages by Fr Vladimir Kozina: COMMUNISM AS I KNOW IT.
    i have a scanned copy of it if you are interested to email to you.

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